
Clay Guynn, DO

Clay Guynn, DO

About Dr. Clay Guynn

Clay Guynn, DO, is a Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation physician who is fellowship-trained in Sports Medicine. Dr. Guynn is an expert in the non-surgical management of various painful syndromes, both new and long-lasting, including musculoskeletal disorders, peripheral nerve disorders, sports injuries and neck/back pain.

Dr. Guynn has trained in musculoskeletal ultrasound diagnosis and ultrasound guided injections of all major joints, tendons and ligaments—including the use of corticosteroids, viscosupplemetation and regenerative medicine techniques, such as Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), stem cell injections, dextrose prolotherapy and amniofix. For lower back pain, he performs epidural steroid injections and facet injections for pain relief, and he also is trained in newer techniques, such as radiofrequency ablation for chronic knee and SI joint pain. For nerve disorders, he performs diagnostic ultrasound and electrodiagnostic studies to determine the exact location of common nerve entrapments. Additionally, he performs osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMT) for relief of acute and chronic pain. Dr. Guynn is committed to provide individually-designed rehab plans to alleviate pain and get patients of all ages returning to the activities that give them joy. He is an avid sports fan and former basketball player. He enjoys spending time with his wife, Stephanie, as well as attending sporting events, traveling, running and spending time with his goldendoodles, Rolo and Reece.

Education & Training

  • Lincoln Memorial University Debusk College of Osteopathic Medicine: Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine – Harrogate, Tennessee – 2014
  • University of Virginia’s College at Wise: Bachelor of Science/Spanish minor – Wise, Virginia – 2010

Post Doctoral Training

  • University of Kentucky: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency – Lexington, Kentucky – 2014- 2018
  • Nova Southeastern University: Sports Medicine Fellowship – Fort Lauderdale, Florida – 2018-2019


  • Iovera (focused cyrotheraphy)
  • Sports Injuries & Non-operative Fracture Care
  • Diagnostic/Therapeutic Musculoskeletal
  • Ultrasound Injections
  • Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT)
  • Epidural/Facet Injections
  • Electromyography/Nerve Conduction Studies
  • Radiofrequency Ablation Procedures and Tenex

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